The Importance of Corporate Blogging

If you’re not yet tuned into the magic of the blogosphere now is the time to get on board.

If your company is already using tools like social media or email marketing to get in touch with consumers or other businesses, you’re certainly headed in the right direction. If you’re sending out a monthly newsletter via email, or updating a Twitter account a few times a week, you might be missing out on the long-term benefits that blogging has to offer.

Creating a corporate blog and keeping it updated has incredible search benefits, beyond what social media and email marketing can do on their own.

If you’re not yet convinced, check out these examples of what a strong corporate blog could do for your digital recognition.

1) Fresh Content

Your content from 2004 about how Facebook might be the next big thing means nothing now. It’s totally obsolete. Even content from 2010 is a thing of the past. If you’re going to do a corporate blog, it has to be done right in order to reap the benefits. Providing fresh content at least once a week has two main benefits. First, readers will have something to come back for. They aren’t going to check your blog much if they know you only update twice a year. Having new posts every week keeps them checking back, which leads to more benefits down the road. Secondly, fresh content also satisfies the search engines. Google likes knowing that your blog’s content is hot off the presses, and that it’s fresh on a regular basis.

2) More Interaction and Traffic

Creating fresh content often and keeping users on their toes comes with even more amazing benefits. Readers will share links, tweet it, like it on Facebook, leave comments and start discussions. Creating this much buzz will drive more traffic to your site, which could generate more consumer interaction.

3) Establish Authority

With company blogs increasing in number and becoming one of the top ways to find information about your business, having one now is becoming more important every year. The growing trend in corporate blogging shows that blogs are being used for marketing purposes now more than ever. You can use your blog to establish authority and knowledge on a subject, gain peer respect and trust, become a thought leader and raise brand awareness.

If you remain unconvinced that blogging could do your business a lot of good, you could always wait for the other guys to benefit first, then jump on later at the tail-end of its success. That’s always a good businesses tactic, right?

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