The Buyer Code

The Buyer Code by Craig Kaye

Here you will find the feedback from real users of The Buyer Code, their experience with this product as well as how they rate it. If you have used The Buyer Code or other products by Craig Kaye, please leave a review below. Your feedback can help someone else decide, so it’s very much appreciated.

You can also rate The Buyer Code on different aspects – its features, the value you receive, the level of support and overall rating on the scale of 5. This will help anyone to see how good (or bad) the product is at a glance.

If you don’t see any reviews yet – don’t worry – sometimes it takes a while for consumers to try the product and report back with feedback (especially if the product is just launched). If you want to see more The Buyer Code reviews, bookmark this page and feel free to check back regularly.

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2 thoughts on “The Buyer Code”

  1. I bought it and have used it about a dozen times to post some of my affiliate sites using WordPress. Candidly I like it and it saves me a ton of time and this is important especially now during the hoilday season, which is my busiest time of year. I particularly like the SEO automation part. I combine what The Buyer Code does with my AutoTrafficBuddy plugin and TrafficKaboom network and WOW. You ought to see the traffic and ranking jumps. I must add that I have about a dozen multisites and everything is interlinked. I recommend you try this. It is worth a heck of a lot more than $49!!!


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