Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0 Review

Jeff Czyzewski is relaunching his bonus delivery system as Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0, so let’s review the pros and cons of this product.

Offering bonuses is one of the best ways to increase your conversion rate out of thin air. If that’s new to you, I’m happy to tell you that you will take home something with you out of this post.

Clickbank Bonus Domination VideoYou see, if you pick any product, there are hundreds if not thousands of other affiliates promoting it and you have to do something different to get an edge over your competition. And that way is giving extra value to the prospects, i.e. giving something to the visitor that would make them want to buy through your site.

Not only does that increase the conversion rate tremendously (by default, the rate can go as high as three times the usual), but it decreases the refund rate too. People are less likely to ask their money back from the merchant if they get extra value from you – they feel they owe you for your generosity. Of course, the product itself has to be quality product, that comes for granted.

The bonus however has to be relevant. The perfect scenario is locating the drawbacks in the product you promote and providing a bonus that would compensate those drawbacks. You can imagine how interested the prospects would be to know you can give them that for free, especially when they have already done prior research on the product. This is why bonuses work extremely well if you bid on brand or product name keywords, if you use PPC.

That sounds good, but you might already be asking, how do I make a bonus? That’s a reasonable question especially knowing that 99% of the affiliates are far from experts in the niche and are just looking to sell other people’s products. And that’s OK, we are marketers after all, we work in so many different niches and it’s impossible to have advanced knowledge in them all.

In addition to that, there’s the bonus delivery issue, as by giving away bonuses you become more than affiliate. That can be overwhelming and eat up a lot of your time.

To address this issue, Jeff Czyzewski has created the Bonus delivery system, which is now being relaunched as Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0. The new package includes the training modules on how to properly use bonuses to promote affiliate products and of course the bonus delivery system that virtually turns any affiliate offer into your own offer with upsells, downsells and all kinda good stuff. This system not only allows you to add the buyers to your list but to immediately offer them other products, or if they take a refund for the original product, offer them something else.

The Pros

  • You will learn how to use the bonuses in affiliate marketing and how to take it to the full extent.
  • Take your affiliate offers to the next level by adding upsells and downsells to the sales process that you couldn’t control otherwise.

The cons

  • Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0 only provides the system to offer and deliver bonuses and extra promotions to your buyers, but it does not provide you with the bonuses. You will need to look for another source to get them (I can recommend NicheEmpires)
  • It only works with ClickBank.

If you’re promoting Clickbank products (or products from similar networks) or looking to get into it, Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0 will give you a way to increase the conversion rates and sell to the same buyers multiple times.

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