Cash Bullets by Andrew X
Here you will find the feedback from real users of Cash Bullets, their experience with this product as well as how they rate it. If you have used Cash Bullets or other products by Andrew X, please leave a review below. Your feedback can help someone else decide, so it’s very much appreciated.
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I am fascinated by all the money making products out there on the internet. I personally have given up purchasing them, the guru’s.
The first thought that popped into my head when watching the promotional free video for this product was, another actor with another daft story of getting a guru drunk and getting the secret software that really makes money online, just how long can supposed gurus keep selling people a dream with a flash video?
There are some real ways to make money on or offline, but I do not think that there is any great secret to this, is this just another $47 rip off or not, you tell me, I have yet to see what I would call real proof!
Real proof to me would be when one of these 1% gurus takes my real product and sells it, showing me their making real commissions from it, now this is a challenge I do not think any of them would have the guts to take on.
Will be checking back to this site to see what comments people actually make, if any? Regards to all, Linda C