Today Internet marketing is gaining more and more popularity. If you are a newbie and want to boost your online business you should at least be aware of the most important and tested marketing techniques.
Yeah that would have been a lot easier if we submitted our URLs to the search engines and waited for the traffic to boost itself. Unfortunately this is not going to happen. And certain steps should be taken in order to increase the visibility of our website.
One of the first things that should be realized is to write blogs and post actively. Writing interesting and attractive articles and spreading them on article directories, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking platforms should become a “tradition” for business owners. Posting articles on article directories, for example Ezinearticles will enable you to use the “blurb” that is at the article foot. Via blurbs you can also leave your link and some information about your business. Don’t forget about the keywords and keyword phrases. They play great role in article writing.
With the help of the right keywords your article can appear at the top of searches.
Also consider traffic exchanges for driving traffic to your site. Here you have to earn credits. In case of getting 100 credits you are given the opportunity to have your page visible to the surfers.
In order to make the surfers pay attention to the traffic exchange you should create a page called “splash page”. This is not a full page as it would take much time to read it. Instead the splash page comprises a brief introduction with bold words about your product. You can leave a link too on splash page or they can get subscribed for finding more information about your business.
If you gain 30-60 subscribers monthly you can save time by clicking for credits and promote your membership on the traffic exchanges. Thus becoming an upgraded member you are given the chance of getting several hundreds of credits monthly.
It’s good when your website has lots of visitors. However, to make your first visitors become “potential customers” or regular customers is very important for your business to boom.
To ensure that people visit your site again and again you should start building an email list. Via emails you can send your visitors exclusive offers, articles about your products etc.
Pay attention who your customer is and what he is looking for. Know his/her interests and problems. Try to walk in your customer’s shoes.
Today the online market offers wide range of products and millions of customers receive lots of special offers. Ask yourself why your product is so special and why people should buy them and how they can trust you.
One thing must be noted: don’t spend lots of money on the promotion of your product if your website does not convert.