Profit Jackpot by Anik Singal and Jimmy Kim is a website creation software.
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Here we go again.. too many upsales.. I’m not falling for this
Has anyone bought this yet I watched the videos and it looks like it would be a useful tool as long as it works like advertised. When someone buys it please give us your honest opinion as I am tired of asking Clickbank for my money back (and getting it) and these guys always have up sales I just wish for once that they would just sell the the product so you could focus on using the tool.
I am waiting for some real user’s comments.
hi- i have been trying to buy this too,and everytime i try with paypal or my credit card,it just keeps saying will not work ,one error on page, emailed support for profit jackpot, not much help there, l think it may be clickbank,l bought another program with clickbank a couple of months ago , paid my money for first month and they cancelled me in 2 weeks never got my month that l paid for,so l have gave up trying. good luck with profit jackpot.
Ok, I purchased this and found that the programs in question, at least on the lowest level is true. I was impressed with the quick results. I will invest more and see what it has in store. My expectations are pretty high. Should be interesting.
I finally decided to give this a go and I bought the upsales.. So far I must say, I’m impressed. Everything worked like it was advertised. I already have my first sight up and running. Now its just a matter of making some cash. Even if its a few bucks a day I will be satisfied. So far I will say I recommend Profit Jackpot. I will give some further updates in regards to this at a later time, whether good or bad.
hi just to let you know guys i bought into it well and good ..unfortunately the story is not one with a happy ending
the idea is flawed on so many levels
the software uses cron jobs so shared hosting is out ..believe me ive tried
and been kicked off so many hosting packages
the keyword feature thows up crap articles no one wants to read
buying 25 even cheap domains is costly
u need hosting for these and shared is no good due to cron usage
managing the content on 25 sites will swallow your life
the only part of this dream worth a shit is the spin jackpot but does it really work ? im not convinced and there are cheaper alternatives for you to throw your money away on anyway ..
i bought the lot article spin and video jacpot …8 months later ive made not one single dime with this system just 25 sites full of rubbish content scraped from youtube ….buy are your own peril
just my opinion