BNB Formula

This is a review page for BNB Formula by Brian Page and Mike Liebner. The launch of BNB Formula was announced by JVNotifyPro.

I would appreciate that if you know anything about the product, good or bad, please post it here in the comments.

As it is with most of the internet marketing and make money online products, they are rarely as good as the promise and extreme caution is always required.

Your comments can save others time and money!

1 thought on “BNB Formula”

  1. I’m a Real Estate agent and so far today I’ve received two bogus leads in my lead management system and two spam emails in my email system from Brian Page about his purported system. In my experience anyone who spams people has a product that only appeals to the gullible – additionally the community I live in has ordinances against rentals of less than 30 days in residential neighborhoods – so Mr Page needs to do more homework before spamming the Internet with his advertising


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