Point Click Commissions

Point Click Commissions by Steven Johnson, Steven James and Michael Turner is a make money online system.

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2 thoughts on “Point Click Commissions”

  1. Hi, I was disappointed with the presentation, ended with not going forward. Reason, 5.95 is nothing, I know. But, in Micheal’s presentation he said you can get started for a dollar, one dollar. Then, you get to the end and see it’s actually 5.95. Makes the viewer wonder…what else did he say that in truth, isn’t true at all? Like a dollar to get started, come on, it’s not a dollar. Michael knows that. Now I can’t trust him and anything he says. And what a bummer, cause what if? So, I lose what is possibly a legit promising opportunity, and Michael loses a chance to help somebody become successful. I don’t know about anyone else but, this medium here, internet marketing, is my only true chance at success. It’s just depressing to think I have to live like this….I’m just saying’ I’m not searching sorrow, just success. An opportunity that is true.

  2. Ordered point click commissions 3 weeks ago. No cd set or software came. emailed the company and swreg,whatever that is sent me a reply that they would forward my email. One week later still nothing. i emailed again and got a refund message back today that due to lack of the original company not getting back with me they were refunding my account and this is not the rule but the exception. Thanks.
    Just looking for an opportunity to escape the 9-8 grind of sales and be able to live a little. Is this a legit opportunity or not. Who knows. Oh i did get another offer from Michael Turner this morning. different program. why would i purchase another when they didn’t come thru on first. Overall. service and communication stinks!!!! Who knows about the product,I never got to try it.?????


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