When an online business owner starts to accept credit cards as a method of payment, there are several factors which must be taken into consideration. Most merchants will agree the biggest drawback resulting from credit card transactions is the high cost associated with credit card processing. With many merchants paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars per year in processing fees, the loss of income in other areas becomes even more problematic. Chargebacks occur when a credit card payment received by the merchant is reversed. When revenue is lost in the form of chargebacks, the cost of doing business goes up. Here we take a closer look at what happens when a charge is reversed and what online merchants can do to prevent this occurrence.
Internet Marketing
The Magic Moment Of Making Your First Money Online
Lots of people are so close to start making money online…
It seems more and more people try to make money online and more and more people fail to make money online. But they are so close to that magic moment…
Do you know how a waterpump works? You have to pump it hard, until the water starts flowing, but after that it is easy. Most beginners “pump” money to the level where it is almost flowing and then they say:
“No, this is not going to work even in a period of million years, I give up!”
They stop right before the magic moment. If they continued working, they would achieve their results really fast. They just need to put a little bit more efforts.
5 Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks: Avoid Getting Your Website Penalized or Banned By Google
You just finished designing, developing and writing the content for your website. In addition to this, you were proactive each step of the way and made sure that all your on-page SEO ducks were in a row (properly inserting keywords in your title tags, h1 tags, content, alt tags; not excessively using javascript and html; using static and seo-friendly url slugs, followed keyword density best practices etc).
Now, the most difficult step to making sure your website ranks well and is seen by search engine users is linkbuilding. Not only is linkbuilding time-consuming but Google weighs the value of each backlinks differently so you never really know how much a particular backlink will benefit your website. In most cases, though, getting an in-text backlink from a popular and respected website (in the eyes of Google) will help you more than a backlink acquired from an unpopular, unread and un-followed website.
Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing Social Media Channels
The power of social media has been proven time and again. It really does work to attract many more people to a business, product or service. It’s even been successfully used to advertise sweepstakes and concerts, promotional events and just about everything and anything in between. Optimizing social media channels – so that they can enjoy improved performance and generate the amount of desirable organic traffic – is instrumental in harnessing the full and unabated power of the social media platforms of today. Furthermore, using social media optimization to your advantage is a powerful tool that can propel an entity forwards into a very prosperous future.
But how do you go about optimizing social media channels? Why is it important? And what can you expect as a result for your efforts?
How To Set Goals Properly And Keep Yourself Motivated
It all starts with a compelling goal. Without a compelling goal you can’t really achieve anything big in your life or get a lot of from your life. Setting a compelling goal is one of the most important elements in time management, because that’s what keeps you motivated and encourages you to take a massive amount of action.
What is your destiny?
I am going to ask you to take a peace of paper and write everything that you would like to have and achieve. List everything, no matter if it’s realistic for you to achieve these goals or not. Don’t worry about that. You have to write for at least 5 minutes. If you can, write longer. The longer you do this, the better goal you are going to get.
Creating Great Content Will Boost Your Business
Many people get caught up in the thought that just having a website for their business is enough. Sadly, the internet is awash with millions of websites many of which are probably trying to achieve exactly the same thing as you. However, not many business owners understand the true effort needed to make a real impact online. I believe that this opens up a real opportunity for anyone willing to put the time into creating great content.
We’re all probably familiar with the process of searching for products, services or information and coming across websites that simply don’t provide what you’re looking for. Great websites always have a good understanding of exactly what their users want, and how to provide this is a quick and easy way. In short, creating great and useful content is the only way to make an impact on the internet.
How to Get Subscribers to Actually Open Your E-Mails
Just about every site is now trying to collect readers’ e-mail addresses as a way of online direct marketing. This is obviously an important step but not enough brands recognize that it is just the first step. Once you have the e-mail address, you still have to get the subscriber to actually open your message.
This is where good copywriting skills come in. Headline writing is one of the most important skills to have on the web. Headlines are extremely crucial when it comes to creating pages, creating articles, promoting your work through social networks, and of course, e-mail marketing.
Tips For Setting Up E-Commerce Shipping Rates
Without a physical storefront, the only way online retailers can bring their goods to the hands of buyers is through shipping. Setting shipping rates is a fairly straightforward process, but it can be difficult without first performing preliminary research on the other aspects of product pricing and selection. Calculating for shipping costs is one of the final steps in the process of pricing goods and may be manipulated to enhance a product’s chances of getting sold.
Before deciding on how much to charge customers for shipping, online retailers must first know which goods are profitable to sell. It is very important to have this information beforehand because shipping rates are highly dependent on the retail cost of a particular product.
The Fastest and Best Way to Make Money Online is 100% Backwards
It seems that everyone who enters the world of internet marketing wants to make money as fast as possible… preferably yesterday. They try many different latest techniques and softwares only to find out that these things don’t work. I was the same. But it is not the way to make money online, especially to make lots of money.
So how to make lots of money fast?
The Internet Marketing Mindset – Are You Going To Succeed?
Internet Marketing has a very high rate of failure. It is a fact that many people who start out in this business never get past the first few weeks, and even fewer will stick with it more than a year.
Of those that do manage to stick with it for more than a year, fewer still will become truly rich from their endeavours although they may manage to make a pretty good income over time.
Is Internet Marketing any more difficult than starting a brick and mortar business down the street?
The short answer to this question is absolutely not!
A Guide for Internet Marketing Newbies
If you’re looking to internet marketing as a way to supplement your income, you will be thankful that you read this.
I believed the ‘gurus’ too…
I bought so many different courses and products, all of them promising to stuff my pockets with cash. I fell for the slick sales pages and videos. I got suckered, just like so many others.
Needless to say I was VERY frustrated! I knew there had to be a way to use the internet to help me bring in some extra money.
I discovered that it CAN be done, just not with some of the junk that is out there. Today I’d like to share a few points of wisdom with you. This is my gift to you, the newbie. (It’s okay to be a newb. We were ALL newbies at some point…)
Why Is It Much Easier To Make Money Online Today
Lots of people think it’s harder to make money online today than it was 5 years ago. But the reality is it’s much easier to build an online business today than it was several years before… Many people think that there is too much competition, but they don’t think about the number of people coming to the world of internet everyday!
#1 reason – there are more and more opportunities
If you are new to internet marketing there is a huge chance that you’re suffering from information overload. That’s not good, but the fact is there is more information available today. Yes, some information is rubbish, but some is great.
5 Ways To Create Dynamic Video Emails
Adding video to your affiliate marketing newsletter is one of the hottest trends in email marketing this year. Think about it. Videos are extremely cost-effective and all you need is a camera, some video editing software (which you can get for free), and a few spare hours.
An entertaining, informative video that puts you and your affiliate products in the spotlight may be all you need to turn prospective clients into repeat customers. Videos grab the audience’s attention in a way that clever copy and fancy photos can’t, so here are a few things to consider when creating your own marketing videos.
How To Create Your First Online Product In Less Than A Day
If you’ve never done it before then creating your own product can seem like a huge mountain to climb. I certainly felt like this before I created my first product for the stock market trading niche. However, having been through the process myself I now realize that product creation can be a lot easier if you might first imagine.
In fact, in this article I’m going to share with you how you can get a product created in less than one day.
How To Achieve Whatever You Want Even If It’s To Make $1,000,000,000
People want to achieve everything but they achieve nothing… That is not good at all. However, I listed several things below that will help you to achieve absolutely anything you want, even if it is to make $1,000,000,000!
“You don’t need to get it right you just need to keep it going”
This is the sentence that I am repeating almost every day several times! It is so powerful. Read it 100 times to understand the power of these words.
The Secret to Online Marketing
I suppose that giving out the secret in the first line spoils the possibility of a punchline ending. However, here is the ultimate secret to making it online it’s all about focus. I’ve been self employed pretty much all of my life and I had quite a bit of life before personal computers became a necessity in everyday life.
Providing Customers With A Soap Box
Let me just start by saying that if more e-commerce companies were smart enough to regularly use customer surveys… very few would go out of business. It may seem elementary, but customer satisfaction is always key. If a company does not care enough to reach out to their customers to decide what areas need improvement, they don’t deserve to stay in business. Sounds harsh, but competition is fierce and only well-informed, responsive businesses stand a chance to survive.
14 Free Resources To Help You Build Your Own Website
Did you know that the majority of customers use the internet to research before they purchase? Did you know that online purchases are one of the fastest growing parts of our economy?
Every business or organization needs a website a professional digital presence. But for many small businesses, it’s hard to justify hiring a web design firm they need a low-cost or free way to create their website.
If you are looking for free resources to help you build your own website, here are 15 of the best available and they won’t cost you a penny.
Keep Your Day Job
I know what you’re thinking. I’ve been right where you are many times and still find myself going back from time to time. That never ending thought or draw that keeps us trying to find that magic bullet. It sometimes haunts our dreams and almost always is in the back of our minds. We’re entrepreneurs. We can’t help it. We want something better than a regular nine to five.
I have been in the “multiple streams of income” business for about eight years now. And over these last eight years I have made A LOT of mistakes. Wasted money on online marketing courses, ebay courses, late night real estate courses, investing in the stock market, you name it. I have tried it all.
3 Tips for Improving Your Online Reputation
They say once something is on the internet its there forever. For businesses, one angry customer’s rant can find eternal life on the web. One bad review, in the wrong place can spread doubt among potential customers. One minor scandal can become a widely misconstrued mess. Whether you’re a company or an individual, we all have to be concerned with what story the web will tell of us. Whether you have some negativity floating around or a lack of a reputation in general there a few simple things that can help rectify the situation.