5 Ways To Kill Your Email Marketing Rep

Email marketing reputations are highly overrated and ending up on a blacklist is not really such a big deal. At least that’s what some email marketers like to think, whether or not it has any relevance to reality.

If you’re out to totally trash your email reputation and ensure that your campaigns are throttled by ending up on half the blacklists in the known universe, use these five extremely effective and time-proven methods:

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Blogging for Cash: Tips for the Beginners

Blogging is the most popular term for all the online business doers. People are crazily blogging about everything they can think off. Blogging can be divided into two types based on general usage. One is for personal use called personal blogging and other is for business called business blogging. Leave the personal blogging aside, let’s come to the blogging for business.

Blogging has become a main source of income for many people lately. That’s the main reason people are blogging crazily. Many have even quit their 9-5 jobs and have become a full time professional blogger. The main benefit is that they can work from their sweet home, no boss to pull your ear, work on your own time whenever you feel like. If you are inspired of people making decent money online from blog then you should too start one.

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I Don’t Want to Be Just Another Face in the Crowd

Illustration: Stand OutRecently I’ve received a comment regarding my free report that I offer on this blog. It went something along the lines of “I don’t want to be just another affiliate”. That’s a great attitude to have, and I keep stressing the importance of the unique value proposition on every other post I write on this blog. But does that mean that what I write in my e-book is different than what I write here?

To answer the question, first you have to answer the question what being unique means and what you have to do to stand out of the crowd. Being unique means being different than others, doing more than others, cutting through the noise and making your message be heard. But how do you do that? Are there any methods or techniques to do that?

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Things I Did Right When I Started Out Online

It’s not a secret that I started making money almost the same day when I began my online business. I didn’t look for “make money” programs, I haven’t bought any courses, I just did it. Was it pure luck? No, there was just something I did right and it wasn’t by accident.

Building an online business doesn’t start online, it starts in your head. You either have enough business knowledge to do it or you don’t. I had. Even though I’ve never run a business before, I had some theoretical knowledge that I’ve picked up in the university as well as I had a general understanding of what a business is by observing other successful people.

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4 Steps to Making Money as an Affiliate Marketer

There are so many great ways to make money online, most of them require selling a product or a service. But, not everyone has a product or service of their own to sell. After all, creating a product takes knowledge, expertise and a lot of time and in some cases a lot of money. Thankfully, you don’t need to have your own product to make money online. You can make money selling other people’s product.

Selling other people’s product or affiliate marketing as it’s best known, provides a great opportunity for almost anyone to earn money online. It really doesn’t take much to start your own online business as an affiliate marketer. When it comes down to making money as an affiliate marketer, it basically comes down to these 4 steps:

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Several Ways You Can Easily Make Money on the Internet

Internet marketing can be simply defined as the creation of products, rendering of services, buying or selling of products or services on the internet. It is the fastest way by which transactions are opened and closed. In internet marketing, the parties involved in the business transactions may or may not know themselves physically, yet they trust each other. What’s that, you may think? In every business, there must be an element of trust whereby the buyer must have confidence that what the seller is offering him is good and the seller, on the other hand, has to be confident that the buyer has not come to play games. Yes, business is all about building a relationship.

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Basics of a Successful Online Business Idea

So what’s with all the hoopla surrounding Internet business ideas or creating a real income online? Starting or growing a successful online business is really not much different than doing the same with an off line business. At the core a successful business concept has to do a few things REAL well.

Any business that is successful has to:

  1. Add Value
  2. Be relevant
  3. Cause money to be exchanged

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Why You Will Never Make Any Money Online?

“I’ve spent years trying to make money online, I’ve spent thousands on make money products, but I’ve never made a penny online”. Sounds familiar? I’ve seen statements like that countless times, and I’ve realized all of them have something in common. Something that prevents these people from making money regardless of how many years they put into it.

Coincidentally I’ve started making money within days of starting online. And I haven’t spent a cent to do it. What did I do different than all these people who dedicate time and money and still can’t make it?

The first natural reaction to any “I can’t make money” statement is to explain it in simple lack of knowledge. But what are the odds of a person spending years to learn something and learning absolutely nothing? And it’s widespread as well. No, there has to be something else.

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The Roots of an Ingenious Business Idea

Have you ever heard of a business, and just thought to yourself, “How in the world did they think of that”? Or maybe you’ve been struck a couple of times with, “Why didn’t I think of that”? Sometimes, you wonder what could have given a person that idea, or how they turned that idea into a multi-million dollar company.

I remember hearing about this one site a couple of years ago. It was called the Million Dollar Homepage. Sound familiar? Alex Tew had the brilliant idea of selling pixels on his web page, displaying ads from different websites. How it worked, was people would buy a certain amount of pixels on his site, and he would display their ad in that space. At first, people laughed at this idea—that is, until they realized that he was cashing in big from this idea.

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Keyword Meta Tags are Being Ignored by Google

You know those little meta keyword tags that you work so hard to fill with meaningful words related to your business? Well, according to Matt Cutts, a Google Software Engineer, they’re useless when it comes to Googles organic search results. In fact, Google is ignoring these tags completely when ranking sites in their search results.

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Tips on Improving Your PPC and PPV Campaigns

As many of you will already be aware traffic is the bread and butter of any online business. If you have no one coming to your site then you will have no one seeing what you’re writing or what you have to sell. This is why a lot of people have turned to paid advertising like cost per view or per click so that they can be assured a lot of people will be able to see their advert. The thing with this is that now there are so many people using it that the prices are getting quite high especially in the highly populated niches. Profit margins are being squeezed and so you have to make sure your adverts are getting the most amount of click throughs from the best quality traffic.

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Making Money Online – Where to Start?

Illustration: StartMost of the material on the make money online topic out there is backwards. When they are supposed to start teaching people how to make money, they start with methods or techniques. They tell you how SEO works, how to build links, how to use PPC, what monetization for your site to use, and so on. I’m guilty of that myself too. So let’s step back for a minute and go back to the roots of the problem.

The first step is very important because if you don’t get it right, everything you build has no foundation and will fall apart sooner than later. Sadly this is exactly the main reason why most beginners fail.

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Optimising for All Areas of Google (Not Just Google Search)

Over the years, Google has evolved from a simple search engine into a universal essential resource for shopping, local events, local and international news, learning and development and much more.

As Google’s capabilities and services have grown and developed, I turn my attention to how the introduction of new products and services by Google has changed the face of SEO and online marketing.

First of all, let’s look at some of different Google products (outside of standard Google Search) that should be optimised for.

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5 Ways to Market Yourself as a Writer

It’s probably one of the few professions that is recession-proof because no matter what happens, people will still tune in to the web to check out what’s going on with the rest of the world and to get their daily dose of social networks and blogs. Writing may not be a very lucrative career but it does more than pay the bills. And as long as you stay current and continue to find ways to market yourself, you don’t have anything to worry about. Marketing yourself as a writer is not that hard as long as you make the effort to do it consciously by:

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Distribution Options for Your Press Releases

Press News

The core purpose of a press release is to relay business information to the public. But there are other motives for wanting to create and distribute a press release (as in, additional benefits that can be gained from choosing this method of advertising) and of course there are several options when it comes time to distribute your carefully worded blurbs. Accordingly, the prices can range from free to several hundred (or even several thousand) dollars, depending on which options you choose. But how do you know which ones are right for you and your business? Once you understand the services available and how they are priced, you will better be able to determine the best course of action when it comes to distributing your press releases.

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Guest Blogging – Article Marketing on Steroids

Illustration: BlogArticle marketing is quite an ambiguous concept. When you’re just starting out, the general advice seems to be to write an article and submit it to as many directories as possible. In other words, focus on quantity, not quality. Add article spinning to the mix and article marketing seems to be only good for low quality links for SEO.

Others who have honed their article marketing skills will say you should only submit high quality articles to a few high quality directories. But you can only get so much traffic from a couple of directories. Unfortunately most advice on article marketing I’ve read in most sources ends here.

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Beginner’s Guide to Hosting: A Closer Look At Common Solutions

Cloud computing is a new method of computing. Operating within a public, or private cloud (also known as enterprise cloud) allows efficiency within the organization. Compared to traditional data management systems, a cloud reduces the cost, time and energy used. Before cloud computing was an option, an organization would have to buy equipment, find space within the office, provide cooling to the in-house hardware, and outsource IT support to install, secure and maintain the data management system. This is a large reason as to why companies and organizations have moved to a cloud computing method.

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Build A Fortress Of PR Around Your Website or Blog

Whether you own a website or a blog, there’s a method I’ve already tested and started implementing about 3 weeks ago that will help you harness the power of free blogging services, article directories, web 2.0 sites and video sites to get as many backlinks with page rank as you want. Yes I said literally as much as you want. This method does take some work and time, however, once you build these links they will last forever. And the method I’m about to explain can be implemented 100% free.

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Promoting Affiliate Offers to Your List

If you’re on a few internet marketing email lists, you ought to know the common practice of affiliate marketing via email list. You know, every week there’s a couple of new products and you get emails how great they are and that you should buy them immediately.

No wonder that it’s often associated with spam. It is a terrible practice and is one of many things that puts bad name on affiliate marketing, and internet marketing in general. Some of those marketers must have inexhaustible sources for new leads and don’t care that with every such broadcast they lose a big part of their list; others are plain “uneducated”.

But there are ways to promote affiliate offers and stay cool doing so, and I’m gonna cover one right now.

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How Content Helps Drive Long Tail Traffic to Your Online Shop

Do you know what the long tail is? It is critical to understand the long tail and correctly use it in all of your online marketing efforts. This is the real secret behind successful Internet marketing, the one that brings people who are ready to buy, not just those browsing around.

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