Promoting Affiliate Offers to Your List

If you’re on a few internet marketing email lists, you ought to know the common practice of affiliate marketing via email list. You know, every week there’s a couple of new products and you get emails how great they are and that you should buy them immediately.

No wonder that it’s often associated with spam. It is a terrible practice and is one of many things that puts bad name on affiliate marketing, and internet marketing in general. Some of those marketers must have inexhaustible sources for new leads and don’t care that with every such broadcast they lose a big part of their list; others are plain “uneducated”.

But there are ways to promote affiliate offers and stay cool doing so, and I’m gonna cover one right now.

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Insiders HQ

Insiders HQInsiders HQ by Ran Aroussi and Philip Mansour is an affiliate marketing course that teaches affiliate business development and traffic generation techniques.

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