How to Make More Money from Blogging with a List

Illustration: Mail MoneyA while ago I made a post about why building a list of your blog readers is a good idea. Now I want to continue the topic and post some tips of how to actually make money from that list.

Some of these tips might be obvious, others not so much. So how does list building help a blog make more money?

First of all, you have to understand one thing and always keep it in mind. A list is not just a collection of emails, it’s the means to maintain a relationship with your readers. And it’s all about that relationship.

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5 Tips for Focusing Your Content to Sell Anything

Many people are realizing the revenue potential in selling goods and services online. However, selling products online will require you to create high-quality content. Creating content that is both compelling and informational is essential if you wish to project a professional image and make a steady income selling products. The following strategies will allow you to sell a wide variety of products by creating quality, focused content.

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This Blog is Getting Robbed!

I hate spammers and thieves. A funny thing happens when your blog starts getting attention. You get traffic and high Google rankings, but you also get all the scum that the Internet marketing industry seems to breed.

Normally I ignore them. Blog posts are being stolen all the time, that’s the reality of blogging and you have to learn to live with it. And it’s easy to do – usually that doesn’t have any negative impact for you. But sometimes it has.

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Blogging and List Building?

Illustration: EmailWhat does blogging and list building have in common? Judging from most blogs out there I would say not much – most bloggers aren’t building a list. And that’s a shame as they’re missing out on one of the best, if not the best, way to monetize their blog.

I think there are two main reasons why most bloggers overlook list building. One, because they associate email marketing with spamming and don’t want to associate themselves with it; and two, they think that a blog makes email marketing obsolete. Perhaps there’s also the third reason – they don’t know the first thing about list building to do it.

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How to Build a Do-It-Yourself Email Marketing Campaign

With the ever-increasing popularity of social media promotion outlets, email marketing seems like more and more of an old-fashioned technique. However, even though email marketing isn’t the most glamorous weapon in any business’ new customer acquisition arsenal, it’s still a great tool for bringing in new customers, or giving your existing customers a reason to return.

Here are a few tips on how any business can start their own email marketing efforts, without sacrificing any features or functionality, and without having to part with too much cash.

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How to Localise Your Multilingual Marketing and SEO

The web provides businesses and entrepreneurs with the perfect channel to expand into new markets. The internet is essentially a global marketplace, but it’s also a cultural melting pot where users speak different languages and have very different cultural outlooks. If you want your website to be a success in foreign markets, you need to make sure it’s properly localised for the regions you are targeting. Here are a few pointers to help get your global marketing efforts on track.

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Top 5 Copywriting Tips for Beginners

Illustration: Fountain PenI don’t consider myself an expert in copywriting, but I do know a thing or two when it comes to writing a copy that should convert readers to action takers, and that seems to work for me at least to get people to subscribe to my email lists at a decent rate, so I figure it does work.

Below are the most important copywriting tips that I try to always implement.

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10 Special Ways to Increase Your Blog Readership

So, you’ve got a great blog with a top-notch design brimming with excellent content. You take a peek at your traffic stats and you see that you haven’t gained as many visitors as you would have liked, maybe it even dipped down a bit. While taking the ‘you write it and they will come’ approach looks good on paper, in the real world you have to face the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, all competing to be read. Don’t be discouraged though, I’ve been through that as well but with a bit of Web 2.0 elbow grease and some solid web marketing techniques, you will see your traffic rise up slowly but steadily over time. So get your writing game on and let’s get started!

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3 Highly Effective Back Linking Strategies To Rank Higher

The biggest problem today is finding new and effective ways to get back links to rank your website on page 1. Most of us know the power of article marketing and yes, you should continue to utilize that as part of your overall link building strategy. Many know about the power to leverage our time and productivity using software like, an article rewriter. But, are there untapped back linking strategies that many main stream internet marketers don’t use? Read on to discover 3 additional and powerful ways to get more seo link juice.

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A Business Plan Around Google News

Illustration: NewspaperYou can often see Google News results integrated in the main SERPs on various keywords. Those are news stories from various news sites that are in Google News. And Google displays those often high in the results for various keywords regardless of the competition.

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How to Estimate Keyword Traffic without PPC (or Google is a Liar)

How many times have you found a great keyword with a keyword tool, a keyword that is supposed to get tons of traffic and has little competition, but once getting ranked for it you’ve got little to no traffic?

Chances are that happened to you once or twice. It has happened to me. A classic example is the keyword “internet marketing tools”. This baby should get 246,000 monthly searches on exact match according to Google’s Keyword Tool. That means even at a 1% CTR being at the bottom of page 1 you should get about 82 visits per day. That looks like a great keyword and with a relatively low competition too.

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How to Find What Your Target Market Wants

Illustration: Personal QuestionRecently I’ve made a post about how to make money by giving away the best you’ve got and the key thing in this method is having to offer something that your target market wants. But do you know what they want?

If you know, that’s great, but it’s not always the most obvious thing and doing your research might be necessary. Furthermore, by researching their wants you may find opportunities you didn’t know about. So how to go about finding what your target market wants?

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New Organic Search Clickthrough Rates

Google has updated the Webmaster Tools and the main focus of this update is search query data. Specifically, it now gives access to all search queries that your websites appear for in the organic search listings as well as the impression and CTR data for them. That’s a huge amount of information that is close to what you get in Adwords for your PPC campaigns.

So what that means to us Internet marketers? Until now, we only had broad estimates of click through rates we had from the SERPs, and only if we ran PPC campaigns for the same keywords could we have had more accurate data. Regardless of that, we had no ability to see the exact CTR nor properly test our listing copy for improvement.

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How to Make Money By Giving Away the Best You’ve Got

Illustration: Golden Group GiftIt’s probably the worst nightmare for any person, to give away their best stuff free. Their best products, services or any valuable creation for free, and more so to someone who is not even a client and may never be. After all, we’re in business to make money and we’re not making money if we’re giving stuff away for free, right?

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How to Determine if Your Niche Market is Profitable?

If you have ever tried to make money online, then you know how difficult it can be to utilize the right keyword strategy and make money online. How do you know if your niche is profitable?

Remember, the foundation of being successful online is picking the right keyword terms. Too many people make the big mistake and try to take top level mega keywords like make money. Lets just clear this up right now before we move forward. Stop chasing big keywords when you are a newbie. You are wasting your valuable time. Enough said about that, now lets discuss some specifics on analyzing if your niche market is profitable.

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5 Reasons Why You’re Not Making Money

Illustration: Coins Question MarkSo you’ve built a site, you’re all excited about it, you have big hopes for it to make you a ton of money. But a day passes and you don’t make a cent. You think, “that’s OK, it’s just one day.” But as the times passes, you’re not making any money or making so little that it’s too embarrassing to write about. What went wrong?

There may be many reasons why your site is not making money and I’m gonna go through 5 reasons that I think are the most common. I’ll try to put them in order of importance.

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The Most Effective Ways to Rank an Authority Website the Google Way

You want page one rankings, right? Well, of course you do. You have probably heard the term in real estate, location is everything. Well, the same thing holds true for the internet. Page 1 is where the best real estate is for making money online. The only problem for most people, is how do you actually get that prime piece of real estate? Grab a cup of coffee, as I reveal some important information on building a mega site.

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How Much Money You Can Expect to Make?

Illustration: Outlook with a TelescopeOne of the first questions that pops into your mind when starting an online business venture is how much you can expect to make. That is a very right question that should be one of the main factors to decide whether you should start a particular project or not. As you gain experience that’s how you plan a project to begin with.

But I want to direct this post more to the beginners. When you have never done any business online, you don’t know what to expect. Will you make $1 per month or $1,000? It is very easy to get overly excited if you stumble upon a get rich quick product, or get discouraged by people who have failed. However, the matter of fact is that people do business online, that’s why we have all these great sites we visit for fun, to buy stuff and spend our time online.

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Affiliate Marketing vs Product Creation

Illustration: ThinkingYou’ll often hear that the easiest way to start making money online is affiliate marketing. Join an affiliate network, pick a few offers, set up a site, put up some banners, reviews, text links, get some traffic and make money!

Sounds simple. You don’t have to create an actual product – you can promote someone’s proven products. You don’t need complicated websites – a simple blog will do the job. You don’t have to deal with clients – there are none. Just make a sale and pocket the money.

I have been on both sides for quite a while since 2005 and it allowed me to see the pros and cons of both, being an affiliate and being a product developer, a vendor. So allow me to compare the two and put things into perspective.

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PHP Text Spinner

You know what text/article spinners are and what they are used for. Usually article spinning is used to spin articles and submit “unique” spun copies to different article directories and other websites. But what if you wanted to spin the text automatically on your website?

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