How Email Open Rates Help Enhance Your Marketing Efficiency

Marketers who use email to communicate with their tribe are eager to monitor and improve their performance. Among the many metrics they closely watch as a measure of the effectiveness of their email marketing is the open rate.

Put simply, email open rate is the number of times your email gets opened by subscribers, expressed as a percentage of the total emails delivered.

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How to Get Subscribers to Actually Open Your E-Mails

Just about every site is now trying to collect readers’ e-mail addresses as a way of online direct marketing. This is obviously an important step but not enough brands recognize that it is just the first step. Once you have the e-mail address, you still have to get the subscriber to actually open your message.

This is where good copywriting skills come in. Headline writing is one of the most important skills to have on the web. Headlines are extremely crucial when it comes to creating pages, creating articles, promoting your work through social networks, and of course, e-mail marketing.

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