Video Cash Firesale

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s Video Cash Firesale by Eric Holmlund, John Rhodes and Jay Boyer.

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Solo Ad BlackBook

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s Solo Ad BlackBook by Matt Bacak.

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How to Buy Your First Website


It’s been a while since I’ve wrote anything here, mainly because I was busy with other projects, mostly buying websites. In the past I’ve pondered the idea of buying vs creating, and I’ve settled with creating at that particular moment. Things have changed, however, and as I’ve come up with a budget to buy, I began doing just that and I’ve been doing it for the past year or so.

In the process of buying several websites, I’ve had my share of ups and downs. Some purchases were duds, some were ok, and some were little gems. It has led to the process of how I evaluate sites to minimize the risk of buying a dud or being cheated. This process is very conservative as far as risk goes so I think it’s very well suited for beginner buyers.

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Print Your Lifestyle

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s Print Your Lifestyle by Rupert McMan.

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WpEmulator 1.0

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s WpEmulator 1.0 by James Youngblood.

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The YouTube Cash Blueprints Program

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s The YouTube Cash Blueprints Program by Patric Chan and Gerald Soh.

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The College Millionaire Society V2.0

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s The College Millionaire Society V2.0 by Luke H.

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Same Day Profits CPA

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s Same Day Profits CPA by Steven Lee Jones.

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Money Formula

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s Money Formula by Tim and Zak.

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xBrander PDF Rebrander

So you’ve received yet another email about a new program that is supposed to help you make money online, this time it’s xBrander PDF Rebrander by David Perdew and Gary Cornelisse.

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