Income Hybrid

Income Hybrid by Paul Ponna is a software suite for taking advantage of viral marketing and social media to drive traffic.

Here you will find the feedback from real users of Income Hybrid, their experience with this product as well as how they rate it. If you have used Income Hybrid or other products by Paul Ponna, please leave a review below. Your feedback can help someone else decide, so it’s very much appreciated.

You can also rate Income Hybrid on different aspects – its features, the value you receive, the level of support and overall rating on the scale of 5. This will help anyone to see how good (or bad) the product is at a glance.

If you don’t see any reviews yet – don’t worry – sometimes it takes a while for consumers to try the product and report back with feedback (especially if the product is just launched). If you want to see more Income Hybrid reviews, bookmark this page and feel free to check back regularly.

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2 thoughts on “Income Hybrid”

  1. Its a pretty cool program. I think it’s worth its money and will keep it rather than return it by the 60 days. But you still have to work at getting traffic to your pages. The program shows you how but I still went looking on Youtube to get more help on getting more fans. You create fan pages in facebook. Quite simple. Just start on one campaign building at a time then get good at it and move onto the others. I stay with 2 of them. They are my favourite. Any added costs, you only need to join Aweber for $1 for first month then $19.95 after that. I hardly use Aweber but its good to see the insights that Aweber shows plus you can create your own opt ins.

    I havent made any money yet because I Im still working on the traffic thing. Dont expect money pouring in over night. It usually takes me now that Ive got faster about 5 minutes to set up 1 campaign and thats the longest. The others are faster. Ive made about 30 pages. But make sure to be good at bringing in traffic. What I have discovered is that we are doing the work for Facebook by putting all this info on it so it has to pay you back for the time you spend on it.


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